
Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Important - Blog Space!

Alhamdulillaah sis Umm Umamah was kind enough to spend some time and find me a solution online for the blog space issue Maashaa Allaah and now I can blog again on my same old blog. Jazzakillaah Khayr sis Umm Umamah.

So if any of you experience the same problem on blogger all you have to do is this. (add another contributor to your blog with one of your other email addresses, and you have to continue to use the new admin's email address to upload pictures and to write posts)

So, now what shall I do? Should I continue with the old blog or should I continue on this blog Umm Maimoonah's Journal II? I prefer everything to be in one place Inshaa Allaah and would like to continue with the old blog while having the new blog as a back up plan, in case things go wrong, I can still continue with the new one Inshaa Allaah!

So very sorry for the inconveniences caused and please do continue to follow us at Umm Maimoonah's Journal Inshaa Allaah!

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